...I really didn't mean to abandon this blog. I really didn't.
Things got a little bit crazy in October - I went to Australia for a friend's wedding (which was beautiful!), went to Fukuoka (where I used to live), and then moved house! Once I had moved house I ended up feeling a bit down for a couple of months (this happens every time I move), and I also apparently had whooping cough (despite having my vaccinations when I was a child) from August to the end of December. Fun times!
This year so far I've been pretty busy with work (I miss when I was just starting out and would have occasional weeks with no new work at all - now I tend to work at least one day most weekends, and only have the occasional weekday where no new work comes in), but I'm starting to adjust to my new life here and my workload now, so... hi again blog!
I have been reading a LOT recently so I'm excited to talk about some of the things I've been reading here! I think I'm also going to start writing more about things outside of books and reading.
Anyway, it's good to be back!
Welcome back, dear!
返信削除I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough transition period after your move! I hope that you are feeling much better and I'm glad to see you back on your blog. :) can't wait to hear about what books you've been reading lately!
Thank you!
削除It always happens to me after any big life change!! You'd think that seeing as I moved halfway across the world moving to a different prefecture wouldn't bother me that much, hehe.
Yayyy, I'm excited to be writing posts again! :)
Yaaaaay I like having you around! Also I fully 100% get the feeling down after a move thing, it took me completely by surprise when I moved out of my parents last time but I think I have now accepted that it takes me a while to get used to change. It just does. (Ps are we the same person? I think we might be)
返信削除Aww thanks :)
削除We might be the same person!!! It honestly doesn't matter how positive a change is, it takes me a while to find my feet. I am generally miserable the first month or two after any massive change, but I'm glad that I force myself to actually make massive changes sometimes :)